Masgutova Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration!
As an OT there are many techniques in my tool box,
however the Masgutova Method has proven to be the most foundational tool I have
What Is MNRI?
- A program developed by
Russian Psychologist and Scientist, Dr. Svetlana Masgutova.
- MNRI stands for Masgutova
Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration
- The MNRI
method features the use of specifically trained techniques directed toward
the restoration of the brain's early neuronal circuits, which are
developed through the primary motor system.
- These primary movements,
described by Dr. Masgutova and others, have been referred to in literature as "primitive reflexes."
How Does It Work?
- Dr. Masgutova's
techniques are aimed at addressing "reflexes gone astray" to
restore the brain's foundational structure upon which higher level skills
such as attention, language, social finesse, and academic learning are
- Each person has the
genetic programming for motor reflex patterns, which are referred to
as primary movements by Dr. Masgutova. The main function
of these primary movements is to create and myelinate
(strengthen) the nerve network of the brain. This is nature’s
way of developing our brain. These primary movements are vital
for our protection and survival as well as helping to regulate our
bodies. These primary movements trigger the development of our
senses. They also help to link our sensory systems together,
promoting proper sensory integration. Primary movements are the
source of sensori-motor and whole brain development, which are the
foundation for learning.
- A primary
reflex, also known as a primitive reflex, consists of a three part
circuit: 1) sensory stimulation, 2) brain processing and 3) motor response.
Errors can occur in this three part circuit. If a problem
occurs, then maturation and integration of this reflex will not take
place. This causes the nerve network of the brain to be
underdeveloped. The Masgutova Method techniques help remind the body of
this three part circuit, which allows the brain to strengthen its
- When implementing the Masgutova Method, sensory stimulation is provided for a reflex pattern which is followed immediately with the correct motor response. Since the unique pairing of a specific stimulation and motor response is genetically coded in our brain, the body recognizes this vital combination, and says “I need that” and through repetition adopts that reflex pattern as a normal response.
- The program was created
to foster brain development and enhance human potential for children and
adults with some of the following challenges:
Dyslexia and Hyperlexia
Developmental delays
Brain Injury
Cerebral Palsy (CP)
Autisim Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
Attention Deficit Disorder/Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
Disorder (ADD/ADHD)
Sensory Processing Disorders (SPD) - including those of the
auditory and visual systems
Genetic Disorders
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)
Emotional instability
Other symptoms including immune system deficiencies, chemical
imbalances, metabolic disorders and allergies
- Dr. Masgutova emphasizes
that primitive reflexes, once believed to extinguish as the brain
develops, do not disappear but rather, are integrated into the development
of more purposeful and goal oriented behaviors.
What Kind of Treatment
Techniques Are Involved?
- Each treatment plan consists of the set of primary motor reflex
patterns found to be dysfunctional during an individual assessment and
include integrating exercises for reflexes that:
- Integrated when they were supposed to but
subsequently re-surfaced
and need to be re-integrated
- Did not integrate when they should have and
need to be integrated
- Never emerged when they should have and need
to be activated and integrated
Why Is All Of
This So Important?
· Results of Dr. Masgutova's
work show the importance of addressing the primary motor system in any
rehabilitative program.
- Dr. Masgutova maintains that these reflexes are the
units for sensory-motor and proprioceptive integration which enhance brain
processing and are essential for human development.
- When our reflexes are immature or not functioning
properly, the brain causes our body to function in a survival mode.
This happens even when there is no immediate danger.
When operating in survival mode, your awareness and ability to
interact with the world is diminished. This can result in a decreased
attention span, poor cause & effect thinking, problems with motor
skills, anxieties and troublesome behaviors.
- By using the MNRI to correct the problems with our
primitive reflexes, we can help improve skills and thinking, which
in turn leads to a happier and more productive life.
- IRBs have been obtained and research to further
validate the MNRI method is currently being conducted through Keiser
Presidente Health Care in San Mateo, CA.
- See the following website for more information on
the program and current and past research:

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