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Friday, May 30, 2014


CNN recently released a new report about neurotoxicity in newborns stating… “The biggest window of vulnerability to chemicals occurs in utero, during infancy and early childhood, experts say.” As well as, “Pregnant women and small children are at greater risk.”
Dr. Philip Landrigan at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York and Dr. Philippe Grandjean from Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, authors of a review in The Lancet Neurology Journal say the news is so troubling they are calling for a worldwide overhaul of the regulatory process in order to protect children’s brains.

"We know from clinical information on poisoned adult patients that these chemicals can enter the brain through the blood brain barrier and cause neurological symptoms," said Grandjean.  "When this happens in children or during pregnancy, those chemicals are extremely toxic, because we now know that the developing brain is a uniquely vulnerable organ. Also, the effects are permanent."
The scientists go on to explain “The best example of this, he said, is cosmetics and phthalates. Phthalates are a group of chemicals used in hundreds of products from cosmetics, perfume, hair spray, soap and shampoos to plastic and vinyl toys, shower curtains, miniblinds, food containers and plastic wrap.”

These products we use everyday received harmful ratings from the EWG
Read the Full Report
Please be aware of what research is uncovering. We must take an active role now to take care of our families & reduce the many ways we are exposed to toxins by our food, personal care products and what we use in our homes. There are safer and better alternatives which is comforting!
Contact me to find out more about how you can start replacing common, unsafe products with Toxic Free!

Monday, May 26, 2014

The Pseudo Pencil Grip

As an OT, when I evaluate a child I see many funky grasp patterns.  And we won't discuss my own, but lets just say I would have benefitted from an OT's expertise in this area as a child.  That is part of why I think it is important to facilitate a child's grasp early on.  This post will just scratch the surface.   It isn't a be-all-end-all to correcting grasp patterns, as there are so many factors not listed here, but you will find the components I work on the most as an OT.

Not being a fan of pencil grips for correcting grasp patterns, I was extremely happy to discover the Adaptive TIP Grip. The pseudo pencil grip. But first, let's discuss what appropriate grasp patterns look like.
The Tripod Grasp: Using three fingers to control the pencil.  This is typically referred to as the perfect pencil grasp. 
The Quadrupod Grasp: Using four fingers to control the pencil. This is like the tripod but with the ring finger also used. The quadrupod grasp is just as functional as a tripod and can even provide a little more stability for kids with hand weakness.
Because there is more to correcting grasp patterns than the use of a grip on a pencil, it is important to facilitate the foundational skills for a correct grasp pattern.  It is important to develop the following:
Separation of the hand-The hand has two sides; a side for mobility and a side for stability. Typically, the thumb, index, and middle fingers are mobile (the movers), and the ring and pinky are the stabilizers (the sleepers…it motivates the kids!) You can help facilitate this by  what OTs call translation, by bringing small items from fingertips to palms and palms to fingertips.  I like to use Travel Connect 4 checkers. Use more than one checker in the palm at a time to have the stabilizers practice keeping a single checker still, while the mobile fingers move another checker to place in the slot.

Strengthening- Theraputty is like a resistive PlayDoh that can help strengthen the hand muscles.  The child also must develop strength in their upper body, not just the hand. By creating upper body support by working on core strength, shoulder, elbow, and wrist stability.  You can do this by wheelbarrow walking, crab walking, using a scooter board, etc. to name a few.

Sitting posture- It is important to have the child at a proper height writing surface, and also that their feet can touch the floor to again create more stability.

Hands grasp reflex- I could write a whole post on this one (maybe I will).  For now, know that when this reflex is stimulated, there are many patterns of grasps you will see and all of the kids I see who have poor pencil grasps have this reflex off. See previous MNRI post
Now that we've gone over some (not all) of the important underlying skills necessary for correct pencil grasps, take a look at the Adaptive TIP Grip!

The TIP Grip protocol was created by Jan McClesky, an occupational therapist from The Handwriting Clinic/First Strokes program.  You create an Adaptive TIP Grip by using The Pencil Grip and cutting it in half and flip it over placing a rubber band below, to promote a proper grasp with appropriate joint positioning.  I like this grip because it is supporting a proper grasp with thumb flexion as the child actively grasps around the grip to the rubber band, instead of using the grip as support to their fingers.  I got a ton of hair bands from a local drug store and the kids can pick their color, which is motivating.
The TIP Grip
The Pencil Grip

You can also put the TIP Grip on other fine motor developing tools like tweezers, tongs and chopsticks.  Once the child understands the proper grasp and is doing well with the TIP Grip, you can take it off for some writing tasks so they can practice without the support.  If the child isn't able to wean off of using the TIP Grip there are still underlying factors to work on.
Watch this YouTube video for the TIP Grip protocol

Friday, May 23, 2014

Skin Deep

With summer time approaching, do yourself a favor and take a look at the sunscreen you use.  Many of the brands we think are good for us contain carcinogens, hormonal disruptors and other toxic ingredients.

 You can check out your sunscreen and other personal care products ratings at

Skin Deep relies on a dual rating system to inform consumers about product safety.  It reflects known and suspected hazards associated with ingredients and products.  Hazard ratings are scaled as low, moderate or high concern categories with number ratings ranging from 0-low to 10-high

My old sunscreen received a high health hazard score and rating of 7.  So sad :(

I love the app With the app you can scan personal care items at the store to see their rating.  If an item doesn't scan you can type in the name as well.  It is pretty helpful!  It is also eye-opening and sometimes gets me angry…but the more we can learn about what products we are using in our homes and surrounding our families with, the better!

How does your sunscreen measure up? Let me know!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Ban that Triclosan

Minnestota has one of the highest rates of autism in the country. Take a look at what they are doing to begin reducing toxins consumed by their citizens…

"Triclosan is the most common antibacterial chemical in consumer handsoaps. The Environmental Protection Agency classifies triclosan as a pesticide.  It is a chlorinated aromatic hydrocarbon synthesized from petroleum byproducts.  Like other substances in this category, it shares chemical characteristics with other toxic chemicals such as some PCBs, and some PBDE flame retardants."

"About half of the liquid hand soaps sold in the U.S. contain antibacterial chemicals, according to marketing research reported in the New York Times. If the FDA's rule becomes final, it will require manufacturers to prove their antibacterial soaps are safe for long-term use. If they can't, they will be forced to reformulate, relabel or remove these products from the shelves by 2015." 

Learn more about what the EWG article has to say about Triclosan here:

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

I may be crazy...

Why I tossed my plastic storage containers

My family is beginning to think I'm completely nuts.  I ransacked the pantry to rid it of plastic storage containers we typically store leftovers and pack lunches in.  Why? I was on a mission to replace these with BPA free and glass containers to improve and protect our health.
The Old Stuff
So What is BPA?

Bisphenol A (BPA) is an industrial chemical that has been in commercial use since 1957 used to make two common synthetics:

  Polycarbonate, a clear, rigid, shatter-resistant plastic found in a wide variety of consumer products, including food and drink containers
  Epoxy resins, used in industrial adhesives and high-performance coatings. Epoxy coating lines most food and beverage cans made in the US

Why Should You Know About BPA?
BPA molecules can get into foods and beverages from plastic food containers and the linings of metal cans.  The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have found BPA in the bodies of nearly every person over the age of 6. Also, in 2009, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) detected BPA in 9 of 10 cord blood samples. So basically we all have BPA in our bodies…

BPA is a synthetic estrogen that can disrupt the endocrine system even in low doses. BPA has been linked to a wide variety health issues including infertility, breast and reproductive system cancer, obesity, diabetes, early puberty, behavioral changes in children as well as resistance to chemotherapy treatments.

In a 2011 study from Harvard School of Public Health, after 5 days of eating a single serving of canned soup a day, volunteers in a study showed 10 times the amount of BPA in their bodies than those who ate fresh soup!

The federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) barred BPA in baby bottles and children's cups in June 2012, however, is it still allowed in food cans. The EWG advises consumers to limit their consumption of canned products that are not BPA free.

The EWG stated after the ban that "If the agency truly wants to prevent people from being exposed to this toxic chemical associated with a variety of serious and chronic conditions it should ban its use in cans of infant formula, food and beverages."
Overall, empirical evidence supporting the negative health effects of BPA varies significantly across studies. Though the research I have done is enough for me to want to limit my exposure by getting these cute glass and BPA free containers!

Completely eliminating contact with BPA is pretty much impossible, but you can reduce your family's exposure to this chemical. How you might ask?
  • Limit your consumption of canned food, especially if you are pregnant
  • Look for canned food and plastic containers labeled as BPA-free
  • Avoid heating plastic containers in the microwave
  • Avoid leaving water bottles in the sun or hot car
The New! :)
“The problem is, BPA is also a synthetic estrogen, and plastics with BPA can break down, especially when they're washed, heated or stressed, allowing the chemical to leach into food and water and then enter the human body. That happens to nearly all of us; the CDC has found BPA in the urine of 93% of surveyed Americans over the age of 6. If you don't have BPA in your body, you're not living in the modern world.”

Saturday, May 17, 2014

A Little More Balance

 After attending an amazing night (which was conveniently called Amazing) with Joyce Meyer speaking at my church, I came away with some inspiration I really needed to hear and you may too…so here goes!

Sometimes we need a break.

Yes, I needed that.  1 Peter 5:8 NIV says to “be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” Joyce talked about the need to be well-balanced so that the enemy can’t get in.  There needs to be a balance between worship, work, rest and play where we attempt to live in God’s rhythm for our life which creates joy.

I know many of us struggle with "people pleasing".  Joyce really got to me when she talked about how although it is important to do things for other people, it is also important to do things for ourselves (and we can’t feel guilty about it!).  We can’t be any good to anyone if we are burnt out, complaining, bitter and resentful.  If we don’t take care of ourselves, and don’t receive the fruits of our labor, we can become bitter and then feel guilt. 

We can’t live day to day with the “poor me” mentality either. Thinking, “I’m so busy, I have so much to do, no one understands”. Well, that’s right, we can’t expect people to understand what we do.  But we can do things for God and not for praise from people to maintain joy in our labor.  Joyce said it best: "We can’t be addicted to having a bad attitude" by going over how horrible or busy our day has been.  What happens when a friend calls us and we say “I’m resting…” (does anybody really do this?) I don’t know about you, but I don't ever say that because I would feel guilty! But Joyce's point is that we shouldn't feel guilty about feeling the need to create balance in our lives.  I’m learning that in being responsible for our own joy, we have to create balance by taking enough time to rest, laugh, play and learn how to celebrate little daily victories.

This for me was a hint to make a change.  We make our schedules, and we are the only ones who can change it.  So I was gladly ready to put to use Joyce’s advice and prescription for increasing joy by creating a few more “me” days!

The greatest gift you can give yourself and others is a healthy you :)

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Non-toxic vs. Toxic-free

What I wish I had known when I was tossing out all my personal care products and buying new ones, is that being deemed non-toxic and toxic-free are two very different things.
"Non-Toxic" does not mean free of toxins or toxic-free. The word non-toxic appears on many of our daily personal care products, but it is very misleading. According to the federal regulatory definition, non-toxic doesn't necessarily mean "no toxins at all" or "absolutely safe". Many companies inaccurately refer to their products as "non-toxic" because the US Government permits the Cosmetics & Toiletries industry to comply with the "LD-50 Test". This test allows for the "Lethal Dose 50% Rule", meaning when testing an ingredient or product, if less than 50% of animal test subjects die, the product is considered non-toxic. Meaning, a company whose label states "non-toxic" could have 49% of all lab animals perish as a result of being in contact with their product. 

 A ToxicFree™ Seal is only awarded to companies that have proven each ingredient is 100% chemical, toxic & carcinogenic free. Please be very well informed on this seal as it is not an easy label to carry such as "natural" and "organic", which have no real agency overseeing these claims. Look for the "Certified Toxic-Free Product" Seal on products produced by a number of conscientious companies. This seal guarantees that for any listed ingredient, there is reputable research indicating no negative health effects. Be informed and read labels. Check the ingredients on all products you use and be an educated consumer! :) 

  To check out your products and learn more about what ingredients are harmful check out this link:

Monday, May 12, 2014

MNRI stands for what?

Masgutova Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration!

As an OT there are many techniques in my tool box, however the Masgutova Method has proven to be the most foundational tool I have found.

What Is MNRI?
  • A program developed by Russian Psychologist and Scientist, Dr. Svetlana Masgutova.
  • MNRI stands for Masgutova Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration
  • The MNRI method features the use of specifically trained techniques directed toward the restoration of the brain's early neuronal circuits, which are developed through the primary motor system.
  • These primary movements, described by Dr. Masgutova and others, have been referred to in literature as "primitive reflexes." 
How Does It Work?
  • Dr. Masgutova's techniques are aimed at addressing "reflexes gone astray" to restore the brain's foundational structure upon which higher level skills such as attention, language, social finesse, and academic learning are built.
  • Each person has the genetic programming for motor reflex patterns, which are referred to as primary movements by Dr. Masgutova.  The main function of these primary movements is to create and myelinate (strengthen) the nerve network of the brain.  This is nature’s way of developing our brain.  These primary movements are vital for our protection and survival as well as helping to regulate our bodies.  These primary movements trigger the development of our senses.  They also help to link our sensory systems together, promoting proper sensory integration.  Primary movements are the source of sensori-motor and whole brain development, which are the foundation for learning.
  • A primary reflex, also known as a primitive reflex, consists of a three part circuit: 1) sensory stimulation, 2) brain processing and 3) motor response.  Errors can occur in this three part circuit.  If a problem occurs, then maturation and integration of this reflex will not take place.  This causes the nerve network of the brain to be underdeveloped.  The Masgutova Method techniques help remind the body of this three part circuit, which allows the brain to strengthen its connections.
  • When implementing the Masgutova Method, sensory stimulation is provided for a reflex pattern which is followed immediately with the correct motor response. Since the unique pairing of a specific stimulation and motor response is genetically coded in our brain, the body recognizes this vital combination, and says “I need that” and through repetition adopts that reflex pattern as a normal response.
  • The program was created to foster brain development and enhance human potential for children and adults with some of the following challenges:
o   Dyslexia and Hyperlexia
o   Developmental delays
o   Brain Injury
o   Cerebral Palsy (CP)
o   Autisim Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
o   Attention Deficit Disorder/Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD/ADHD)
o   Sensory Processing Disorders (SPD) - including those of the auditory and visual systems
o   Genetic Disorders
o   Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)
o   Emotional instability
o   Other symptoms including immune system deficiencies, chemical imbalances, metabolic disorders and allergies
  • Dr. Masgutova emphasizes that primitive reflexes, once believed to extinguish as the brain develops, do not disappear but rather, are integrated into the development of more purposeful and goal oriented behaviors.

What Kind of Treatment Techniques Are Involved?
  • Each treatment plan consists of the set of primary motor reflex patterns found to be dysfunctional during an individual assessment and include integrating exercises for reflexes that:
    • Integrated when they were supposed to but subsequently re-surfaced and need to be re-integrated
    • Did not integrate when they should have and need to be integrated
    • Never emerged when they should have and need to be activated and integrated

Why Is All Of This So Important?
·      Results of Dr. Masgutova's work show the importance of addressing the primary motor system in any rehabilitative program.
  • Dr. Masgutova maintains that these reflexes are the units for sensory-motor and proprioceptive integration which enhance brain processing and are essential for human development.
  • When our reflexes are immature or not functioning properly, the brain causes our body to function in a survival mode.  This happens even when there is no immediate danger.   When operating in survival mode, your awareness and ability to interact with the world is diminished. This can result in a decreased attention span, poor cause & effect thinking, problems with motor skills, anxieties and troublesome behaviors.  
  • By using the MNRI to correct the problems with our primitive reflexes, we can help improve skills and thinking, which in turn leads to a happier and more productive life.
      • IRBs have been obtained and research to further validate the MNRI method is currently being conducted through Keiser Presidente Health Care in San Mateo, CA.
      • See the following website for more information on the program and current and past research: