After attending an amazing night (which was conveniently
called Amazing) with Joyce Meyer speaking at my church, I came away with some
inspiration I really needed to hear and you may too…so here goes!
Sometimes we need a break.
Yes, I needed that. 1
Peter 5:8 NIV says to “be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls
around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” Joyce talked about
the need to be well-balanced so that the enemy can’t get in. There needs to be a balance between worship,
work, rest and play where we attempt to live in God’s rhythm for our life which
creates joy.
I know many of us struggle with "people pleasing". Joyce really got to me when she talked about
how although it is important to do things for other people, it is also important to
do things for ourselves (and we can’t feel guilty about it!). We can’t be any good to anyone if we are
burnt out, complaining, bitter and resentful.
If we don’t take care of ourselves, and don’t receive the fruits of our
labor, we can become bitter and then feel guilt.
We can’t live day to day with the “poor me” mentality
either. Thinking, “I’m so busy, I have so much to do, no one understands”.
Well, that’s right, we can’t expect people to understand what we do. But we can do things for God and not for
praise from people to maintain joy in our labor. Joyce said it best: "We can’t be addicted to
having a bad attitude" by going over how horrible or busy our day has been. What happens
when a friend calls us and we say “I’m resting…” (does anybody really do this?) I don’t know about you, but I don't ever say that because I would feel guilty! But Joyce's point is that we shouldn't feel guilty about feeling the need to create balance in our lives. I’m learning that in being responsible for our own joy, we
have to create balance by taking enough time to rest, laugh, play and learn how
to celebrate little daily victories.
This for me was a hint to make a change. We make our schedules, and we are the only
ones who can change it. So I was gladly
ready to put to use Joyce’s advice and prescription for increasing joy by
creating a few more “me” days!
The greatest gift you can give yourself and others is a
healthy you :)

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